Original Paper
Thought Leadership on Thrombotic Disorders in South East Asia
Mark Y. Chan MBBS, MHS1
- Summary
- Supplementary Material
- References
- About this Article
Thrombosis is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality, not only in aging industrialized countries, but also many emerging economies(1).
Percutaneous Coronary Intervention - Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention - Bivalirudin - Direct Thrombin Inhibitor - Clinical Trial Unit
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Asean Heart Journal http://www.aseanheartjournal.org/
© The Author(s) 2014. This article is published with open access by Asean Federation of Cardiology
Correspondence to: Mark Y. Chan, MBBS, MHS Associate Professor of Medicine, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine National University of Singapore Senior Consultant Cardiologist, National University Heart Centre, National University Health System. Tel: 6772 5538 Fax: 6872 2998 Email: mark_chan@nuhs.edu.sg
Supplementary Material
1.http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs310/en/index.html (accessed 6-1-2014).
2. http://www.portola.com/Anticoagulant-Market (accessed 6-1-2014).
3. http://www.nrdo.gov.sg/uploadedFiles/NRDO/Publications/20110211%20AMI%20Information%20Paper%202010%20v3.pdf (accessed 6-1-2014).
4. http://www.moh.gov.sg/content/moh_web/home/costs_and_financing/HospitalBillSize.html (accessed 6-1-2014).
5. Cho Yeow Koh, Maria Kazimirova, Adama Trimnell, Peter Takac, Milan Labuda, Patricia A. Nuttall, and R. Manjunatha Kini: Variegin, a Novel Fast and Tight Binding Thrombin Inhibitor from the Tropical Bont Tick. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 282, 40, 29101–29113.
6. http://www.cardiosource.org/Science-And-Quality/Clinical-Trials/H/HEAT-PPCI.aspx (accessed 17-4-2014)
7. Tan Huay Cheem, Heparin has No Place as an Anticoagulant in PCI – A Protagonist’s View, ASEAN Heart Journal, Springer Global Science Journals, Vol.22, no.1, 14-18 (2014).
8. Kim Moo Hyun, Opposition: Unfractionated heparin should no longer be used in the catheterization laboratory, ASEAN Heart Journal, Springer Global Science Journals, Vol.22, no.1, 38-41 (2014).
9. Chee Yen Lin, New Oral Anticoagulants, ASEAN Heart Journal, Springer Global Science Journals, Vol.22, no.1, 30-37 (2014).
10. Alan Fong, Thrombin and FXa plasma concentration levels in patients with atrial fi brillation on long term warfarin therapy, ASEAN Heart Journal, Springer Global Science Journals, Vol.22, no.1, 20-29 (2014)
About this Article
TitleJournal >> 22:1
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