AHJ Submission Guidelines

The ASEAN Heart Journal publishes peer-reviewed articles of all aspects of cardiovascular disease, including original papers, state of the art reviews, cardiology debates, case reports, editorial comments, letters to the editor, and a patient page.
Original contributions are encouraged and welcomed wherever the author may live, so long as the contribution is written in English. Contributions are accepted on the understanding that they have not been submitted simultaneously to another journal in the English language and will be the property of the journal unless agreed otherwise before publication.
Click here to submit your article.STEP 1 – BASIC INFORMATION
Main author’s name, affiliation and contact information.
Main Author, Co-Author(s), Affiliation(s), Category, Paper Title, Paper. NUMBER OF AUTHORS: No restriction. CATEGORY: Please indicate which category best describes your manuscript from ‘Original Articles’, ‘Review Articles’, ‘Case Reports’, ‘Cardiology Debates’ and ‘Editorial Comments’. PAPER TITLE: Up to 20 words. RUNNING HEADING: A shortened version of the title of your paper and place it in the page header of your document. PAPER FILE: Please prepare your manuscript in accordance with the instruction below and save it in the form of MS Word:- Papers should be set out as follows with each section beginning on a separate sheet: Abstract, Text, Keywords, Acknowledgments, References, Tables, Illustrations with captions.
- The text must be typed in double spacing, with a margin of at least 3 cm all round. And each sheet should be consecutively numbered.
- The author should keep an additional copy of both manuscript and illustrations.
- Original papers & State of the Art Reviews should not exceed 4,500 words, including references and figure legends.
- Case reports should be limited to 1000 words, up to 5 references, 1 table, 1 figure.
i. Headings
- Headings should be appropriate to the nature of the paper. Normally only two categories of headings should be used; major ones should be typed in capital letter in the centre of the page and underlined; minor ones should be typed in lower case (with an initial capital letter) at the left hand margin and underlined.
- Do not use ‘he, his’, etc. w here the sex of the person is unknown; say ‘the patient’ etc. Avoid inelegant alternatives such as ‘he/she’. Patients should not be automatically designated ‘she’, and doctors as ‘he’.
- Avoid abbreviations in the title and abstract. All unusual abbreviations should be fully explained at the first occurrence in the text. All measurements should be expressed in SI units. For more detailed recommendations, authors may consult the Royal Society of Medicine publication entitled Units, Symbols and Abbreviations: A Guide for Biological and Medical Editors and Authors.
- One to ten should be spelled out except when used for units of measurement or in decimals: for numbers over ten, numerals should be used.
- Numerical data should be analyzed by appropriate statistical methods. The statistical tests used should be stated clearly in the ‘Methods’ section of the paper.
- Proprietary names of drugs, instruments, etc. should be indicated by the use of initial capital letters.
A list of about 3 to 5 important words.
ReferencesReferences must be submitted in the correct style for this journal. Within the text, the references will appear as superscript numerals in order of appearance. The references will be listed according to the designated numbers at the end of the text, beginning on a separate sheet.
Journal ArticleRogers WD, Watson HK, Radial styloid impingement after triscaphe arthrodesis, J Hand Surg 14A:297-301, 1989.
BooksTaleisnik J, The Wrist, Churchill Livingstone, New York, pp. 15-20, 1985.
Chapters in Edited BookBeckenbough RD, Linscheid RL, Arthroplasty in the hand and wrist, in Green DP (ed.), Operative Hand Surgery, 2nd ed., Churchill Livingstone, New York, pp. 167-214, 1988.
Papers submitted with the references in the wrong style will be returned for correction and resubmission.
Authors must pay particular attention to the accuracy of references which should be checked before final submission of the finished manuscript.
TablesTables should be double spaced and contain only horizontal rules. An identification number and short description should appear above each table and any footnotes identified below. Care must be taken to ensure that all units are included. Ensure that each table is cited in the text.
IllustrationsIllustrations should be pasted on Paper File (MS Word). All line illustrations should present a crisp black image on an even white background – 127 x 173 mm (5 x 7 in) in size, or no larger than 203 x 254 mm (8 x 10 in). Any lettering must be large enough to stand a reduction in size where required.
i. Photographic illustrations and radiographs- These should be submitted as clear, lightly contrasted black-and-white prints (unmounted), sizes as above. Photomicrographs should have the magnification and details of staining techniques shown. X-ray films should be submitted as photographic prints, carefully made to bring out the detail to be illustrated, with an overlay indicating the areas of importance. Figures should be submitted appropriately lettered in capitals. The size of letters should be appropriate to that of the illustrations, taking into account the necessary size reduction.
- Color illustrations, including transparencies, are unsuitable for black-and-white reproduction. If only color originals are available the author is requested to obtain good quality black-and-white prints to submit with the article. Illustrations will only be printed in color if this is essential.
- Where illustrations must include recognizable individuals, living or dead and of whatever age, great care must be taken to ensure that consent for publication as been given.
In cases where consent has not been obtained and recognizable feature may appear, it will be necessary to retouch the illustration to mask eyes or otherwise render the individual ‘officially unrecognizable’.
- Written permission to reproduce borrowed materials (illustrations, tables, and identifiable clinical photographs) must be obtained from the original publishers and authors, and submitted with the typescript. Borrowed material should be acknowledged in the captions in this style:
‘Reproduced by the kind permission of … (publishers) from … (reference)’
Typescripts that contain the results of human and/or animal studies will only be accepted for publication if it is made clear that a high standard of ethics was applied in carrying out the investigations. In the case of invasive studies in humans, typescripts should include a statement that the research protocol was approved by a local ethical committee.
The Editors reserve the right to make editorial and literary corrections. Any options expressed or policies advocated do not necessarily reflect the opinions or policies of the Editors. Major rearrangements or corrections will normally be made only with the author’s approval, and in most cases will be offered as recommendations to the authors to permit him to bring the communication in line with the editorial policy of the journal.
Copyright:In order for us to ensure maximum dissemination and copyright protection of material published in the journal, copyright must be explicitly transferred from author to publisher.
The copyright transfer agreement to be used for the journal is reproduced in the first issue of each year. Extra copies are available from the Publisher or the Editors. Or contributors may photocopy the agreement produced in the Journal. A copy of this agreement must be signed by the principal author before any paper can be published.
We assure you that no limitation will be put on your personal freedom to use material contained in the paper without requesting permission, provided acknowledgment is made to the journal as the original source of publication.
Financial interests:Authors must disclose any commercial affiliations that might create a conflict of interests with respect to the accepted manuscript. A conflict of interests statement will be forwarded to the author for signature and returned upon of the manuscript.
Starting 17 March 2024, The ASEAN Heart Journal will waive all Article Processing Charges (APC) and Publication Fees. This is made possible because our Journal has received an unrestricted educational grant from The ASEAN Federation of Cardiology, in order to support greater and more open access to encourage publication of articles from our ASEAN Cardiology fraternity.
*The ASEAN Heart Journal is provided here courtesy of The ASEAN Federation of Cardiology until further notice.
To ensure all manuscripts are received, recorded and processed accordingly, it is necessary to submit via an online submission portal here on this page: https://www.aseanheartjournal.com/new-article-submission
You are most welcome to upload your manuscript under the section of “Upload Your Manuscript”. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us by email: support@aseanheartjournal.com