Abstracts of the 24th Annual Scientifi c Meeting of Indonesian Heart Association 2015 (24th ASMIHA) Jakarta, Indonesia, April 10th – 12th, 2015

Abstract ASEAN Heart Journal April 2015, 23:2 First online: April 2015 Abstract ASEAN Federation of Cardiology Facebook Twitter Google-plus Download PDF (878KB) View Article References Tools Export Citation JabRef (.BIB) Mandeley (.BIB) Papers (.RIS) Zotero (.RIS) BibTex (.BIB) Open AccessThis content is freely available to anyone, anywhere at any time. Summary Supplementary Material References About …

Abstracts of the 24th Annual Scientifi c Meeting of Indonesian Heart Association 2015 (24th ASMIHA) Jakarta, Indonesia, April 10th – 12th, 2015 Read More »