Remote imaging via FaceTime for potential long-distance diagnosis of suspected cardiac structural and shunt anomalies on contrast echocardiography (The RIFLE Study)

Original Paper ASEAN Heart Journal July 2014, 22:15 First online: 04 December 2014 Original Paper Jose Donato A. Magno M.D.,1 Romeo J. Santos M.D.,1 Edwin S. Tucay M.D.,1 Vianelly Berwyn F. Flores M.D.,1 Ronald E. Cuyco M.D.1 Facebook Twitter Google-plus Download PDF (2763KB) View Article Reference Tools Export Citation JabRef (.BIB) Mandeley (.BIB) Papers (.RIS) …

Remote imaging via FaceTime for potential long-distance diagnosis of suspected cardiac structural and shunt anomalies on contrast echocardiography (The RIFLE Study) Read More »